Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
the topic for today is...FRIENDS....
Monday, February 06, 2006
work sucked today....
Sunday, February 05, 2006
jeng jeng jeng....
Saturday, February 04, 2006
*no title for today*
Thursday, February 02, 2006
a day at work
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
caring abt u is d last ting on my mind ryte now
whut i really!!!! want

this is d guitar dat i want!!!...haix....but its Lyk so un-affordabLe....890++ bucks...to be found in peninsuLa...haix...dis guitar is so so so so HOT!!!!...i'd die to get it..but heck...its jus a pLain,useLess dream..which wont come true....*sobsob*
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so..how did my day went??....here it goes...
so...i woke up ard 9.30 to get ready to go out to meet the otha ex-2d to have Lunch at sarah's house...it's heLd on account for the CNY...yea...we actuaLLy ate KFC...hahah....ryte...nwae..Lunch was cooLio La...i mean..its been a whiLe since i met dem...hahah...den afta dat..accompanied asmah to tampines to met her 4A peepies...den me and saLLy made our way to sengkang to meet huda and syidah...turns out dat dey would be Late...yea...went der to see adiLa too....see her work La...jus saying,she works at Pizza hut at compass point...ya...den after meetin up wit uda aLL....we ate at pizza hut....hahah...den after dat..made my way home....
actuaLLy...im stiLL bummed abt the products soLd in singapore....i mean..whutever i want is so un-avaiLabLe in singapore....for exampLe,EmiLy's BubbLegum Lip BaLm...ryte!!!!she actuaLLy seLLs Lip Balm!!...ok..i noe she doesnt directLy seLL it...but..its her product...haix..pathetic sia....haix.....ok.i gotta stop sighin and be happy with whuts avaiLabLe in singapore.....RROOOOIIIIIGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHTTTTTTTT!!!!!
**puRpLe^pSyKeDeLic OutZzZ**
day was fun at the very ending....aLL thankz to....
**puRpLe*pSykeDeLiC OutZzZ**
YEARGH!!!..didnt take any pix today!!!!
i so totaLLy forgot abt capturin LittLe moments in Life for others to appreciate today...damn...and today was one of d fun-NEST dat i've had with my frens...weLL..today der was work...we sLacked most of d times as der werent much to do....anyway...after work...me,nadiah ex bn,haizaL,arfaz and hadri went to foLLow nam to cut her hair...her hair got the "pom-pom" effect Lorz....CooLio..hahah..weLL..its d jap styLe...yeah...it Looks nice on her....hahah..afta dat we headed to SAFRA Tampines bowLin center to bowL..dem La..nt me and nam...yeah...we actuaLLy got a cab der...hahah..2 diff cabs somemore...hahah..whutever it is...got der..had fun dissing each ppL...ahah...haizaL aka AYAM...was a hard-ass joker...oh ya!!..food der was bLoody expensive..i tink i spent lyk more den 10 bucks just on food dat is SOOOO nt fiLLin...hahah....back to BowLin...Alas....arfaz won..hahahah..unexpected...but true...weLL...i guess dats hw my day went actuaLLy..tho it might seem short....it was weLL spent..meaningfuL...spending time with dem..hahaha...gonnA miSS dem cuz i aint working tiLL wednesday...hahah...we should go out during the Long Long hoLiday yeah guys??..us again...d usuaL peepies....hahah...anyway hadri..if u happen to read dis....GO AND TAG MY BLOODY TAGBOARD U IDIOT!!!...HAHAHAH...thnz yeah had??....
**puRpLe^psYkeDeLic ouTzZz**
day..was tiring but FUN!!!!

dat was how my day went......nam,faz and hadri were fun ppL to hang out with...we shud do dat again yea guys??...hahah..i had Loads of fun laughin wit yaLL...and at yaLL..hahah..tiLL den...
**puRpLe^PsykeDeLic OutZzz**
my day today......

so...how was my day today...it started quite as per normal i must say....started wit my mom naggin cuz i was sleepin tiLL so Late...and guess whut..it was onLy 10.30 am...ahahah..my mom's cute...anyway...went to watch movie with noLa and nam...cheaper by a dozen 2.....cooLio...!!....hahah..was damn funny...n d guy frm shark boy and the lava girl was in it too!!...damn good lookin i must say!!...hahahah...tom weLLing wasnt dat bad too...weLL...nwaes...after d movie....went to eat at LJS at far east....*yumYum*...den NoLa had to go back home....so its up to me and nam to chiLL out...so...we decided to waLk to paragon...cuz...we needed to pee...and..when we reached d toiLet...we were bummed....cuz u noe why??...cuz...we tot the toiLet door couldnt opened!!!...we tuggEd...and we pushed...and we sLide....damn...haha...u shud see us...den...high and beLow...dis Lady...came...and easiLY...pushed dis button ..which obviousLy me and nam didnt see....and POOF!!!...the door opened....hahaha...Damn..we were laughin pretty hard...den..we were off to MRs FiElds....yumyum again..ate d cookies..and i bought the rocky road brownie...which i left under nam's block...hahah...bugis was our next stop....to take neoprints.....haha...CooLio....yeah...den was chiLLin at starbucks for a bit.d pix above was taken when we were chiLLin der La.....den..after dat..met my wan!!!...finaLLy....i get to see him after a whiLe...weLL,actuaLLy it was onLy four days...but it feLT forever to me!!..ahahah...whut Knack....spend some time with him...den went back home....
yerpz....so dat was my long,tiring but cooLio day....ryte....
**PurpLe PsikeDeLic OutZzZ**