not that it matters cuz no one reads my blog.
im sucha loser.hah!whats new??
so many things have happened to me
these past few days.from the weird, to the which one should i start?
i'll start with the recent one i guess
cuz i cant seem to remember the olders
weird events.
i had work last saturday,dated 20th jan 2007.
well,it was well after 10 pm and i figured out there
would be no one using the toilet at my workplace.
being fickle minded,i didnt know whether to use the
normal toilet or the toilet in the shower room.i wanted to
have a bigger space so i decided to go for the shower with
the toilet in it.i saw cubicle no. 1 and saw that the door was a normal human being would assume,i knew
it for sure that its here i go,so excited to pee at
the big shower room,and saw something.oh its nothing,
just a naked man...........ITS A BLOODY NAKED MAN!!!!!
wads wrong with these people!!arent u like supposed to lock
ur doors while having a shower?!i got the shock of my life and
just ran like nobody's business.i hope the naked guy didn't see me
cuz if he did,then wouldnt he be ashamed?actually,i dont think he
would cuz its like their culture to not lock their doors when they nt sure.well whatever it is,it might scare little girls..
like me.for that,i got so disturbed that i just stayed in the kitchen
for a whole 15 mins.before i went out,i checked whether the
guy was still there.thank god,he isnt.the only good thing
that comes out of this is like...hes kinda cute at first.after seeing
him naked,that totally changed the whole cute outlook.
yeuch!!!maybe i wunt call this weird.its just disturbing.
2nd weird and disgusting event that happened today.
khaldun aka dirty boy spitted his food all over me.
he was chewing his food happily and i guess he's dat much
of a glutton,wanting to finish every bit of food on his plate as
fast as he can,and i guess he choked on his food.and boom!!!
next thing i know,spit and pieces of food that smelt like bile
was all over me.IT WAS THAT DISGUSTING.of cuz blood was
boiling and i got so pissed that i shouted at south canteen.
it wasnt a teeny weeny bit funny.i mean,I SMELT LIKE BILE!!!!
that is like fuckin disgustin!!!sulas,being the nice girl,helped me
cleaned up the shit vomited upon me.after a while,i thot it was
a bit funny and i laughed.but at the same time,still cursing
khaldun and shouting.everyone was starin but i didnt care
cuz it was dat funny and tat smelly.haha.