Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Reminders To Why I Dont Want/Need A Boyfriend
2.i wanna flirt.
3.he'll take note of my every move.
4.hates to "report strength" every one bloody
ass min.
5.hates having late night convo on the phone.
6.hates having late night boring convo on the phone.
7.hates making out.
8.hates having to feel guilty even when the mistake is as
small as an ant's droppings.
9.hates having to be considerate.
10.hates crying.
11.the list goes on...to maybe a 100.
sorry..but i just had to remind myself to why r/s are
a big noo noo for me..dont wanna end up being hurt
unknowingly again.FUCK!hate it when im full with emotions.
Monday, October 30, 2006
The Cult Called Emo-nology
i'm just bored and emo-ing away...
okay.so a guy and a girl get along so well.
like nothing can come between them.
for sure,the "other party" will have
that romantic feelings for the other one.
but the "other one" has only mutual feelings
for the "other party".that sucks right??
i mean, not that the "other party" has lack
of suitors, just that the "other party" thinks
better of the "other one".
so why cant they be together?lots of issues here.
maybe race issues?no no...priority issues??no no.
how can it be that?you get along so well together and
not even a teeny weeny bit of liking "other party"?
bah..whatever.not that "other party" cant find another
"other one"...haha..honestly..are u guys followin me??
so i was bored,i decided to do some cool girl quizzes from
Lacey_Gracy's website...did i mention her blog was ultra cool?
You Are 20% Girly |
![]() Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world. And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment. |
i happen to be a 100% girl!!HELLO!!..whut the hell..stupid quiz...
Your Flirt Quotient |
![]() |
You Are Bad Girl Sexy |
![]() Girl, you are nothing but trouble. And that's hot. You've got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on. And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you. Don't give into people who say to tone it down. You're perfect as is. |
Your Ideal Hairstyle: |
![]() |
Saturday, October 21, 2006
berlalu la sudah ramadhan,sebulan berpuasa
im so bloody excited cuz i can eat,eat,eat
and EAT SOMEMORE!!!!hmm...
OMG!!!..its here!!HARI RAYA IS HERREEE!!!
ok..im certified crazy.so anyway,my title is
of cuz,a text in malay.
it comes from a Hari Raya song,which means
...uh...i swear i dunt noe how to translate in english.
basically its just saying that one month of fasting has passed.
yup2.thats it.
okay.so i heard this ultimate shockin news.
my Ten Yr old Sister,note shes only in Primary 4
i only started using frenster like whut?! a few yrs back???
and she has one when shes jus P4..
i dont think im goin to be surprised if she starts wearing make up
when shes P6.like what i see kids nowadays do.
like they dress up more den i do!!!
what is happenin man....
sigh..so im supposed to be cleanin d house but im jus
wiping my computer desk everytime my mom comes in
d room.anyhoo,i'd better get back to doin stuff in d house.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I Think I Laugh Too LOUD!!
just now at 10.30 pm at bedok.
goodness i think i scared all the
people there,including those i
was out with.
haha.i scared them only because
they dont know me that well
and i dont know them that well.
ok.so on to something else.why isit
that whenever you wait for that
certain someone to sms you
they wont do so..and when
you gave all hopes about him msging you
then all of a sudden he sends u the sweetest msg?
hahah..man.im done bitchin!hes smsin
me right now!
so byeee!!!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tak Leh Angkat Seh!!!!!
i just do.it means,"cannot take it any longer"
im bored man.
hey,in my area now,its so bloody breezy and its
such a cool night to hang out with ur frens under the
void deck.okay,i dont do this as often and i only hang out
with those im so bloody familiar ald.cept that they
live oh-so-fuckin far away from my area.that always
sucks.not having frens ard.sigh.i miss my frens.
i miss the times when i look so godforsaken dorky and
bein so bloody tomboy-ish.the only thing that sets me
apart from the other guys--->is my high pitched voice.
haha.yeah.back at the time when normal body parts
havent yet been shipped to me.hah.i miss being so bloody
defensive over small things and i miss getting all so bloody
excited just by listening to my crush's name.okay,i still do that
now but its just another feeling you noe?.haha.and i miss him.fuck
yes i do.after a long 6 yrs..yup.i guess first love doesnt fade off
that easily huh?
whatever.not that i miss him the whole of everytime.
its just now and then when u tend to think about the
past and unknowingly,he'll come to mind.LaLaLa.
who cares??.hey i just realised that every hairstyle Pink's
got on are superly-duperly-awesomely-absolutely-muthafuckinly-
HOT!!!wow.i'd love to get that hairstyle in her recent video "U+Ur Hand"
another great single from her.wow.you know that part when
she was punching the punchingbag..YEP!!!.that hair!!!cept that
mine will be purple and not pink.HOW THE HELL DO I SAY TO THE
PINK'S HAIR?!?!?....
i bet they'll just dye my whole bloody head PINK!!!
so i heard this new song by My Chemical Romance.
i tot it was good.it's called "Welcome to the Black Parade"
wow.the lead singer is achieving this whole new look now.
shorter hair,no more black or red stuff around his eyes that
makes him look as tho he doesnt get enough sleep.oh ya.
he has blond hair now.he looks so much cuter!!!anyway,heres
the vid.and since i got no more crap to type,i'd better just go do
some other shite.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Check Out My New Fuckin TimeTable!
i swear im gonna make him/her suffer!
i swear he/she dont have any children!
i swear and i swear and i swear somemore!!!
monday-->starts at ten in the morning and ends at 5 pm.
thats still ok man.
tuesday-->starts late and ends REALLY DAMN LATE.
from 4 pm to 10 fuckin pm!!!
thats PURE EVIL for me..
wednesday-->11 am to 1 pm
why do i bother to even go to school that day??
thursday-->starts at early as 8 am to 4 pm.
well.thats manageable i suppose..
friday-->8 am to 12 pm
okay larr..
but wait!!wheres that particular OFF day that we initially had?!?!?
what bloody happened to it??
sighhh..it disappeared.
now i stand corrected coz i once thought that business courses
are the best.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
primary school friends had always been fun.but yesterday,
it wasnt even half the fun that we had always shared among
7 of us.
with new additions to the group and certain people's change of
attitude sometimes makes it so diffcult for me to have fun with the
"usual 7".so we're go as a group,but come back as two different cliques.
i hate cliques.
well,im not negative about meeting new people and letting them
have a share of the fun that the "usual 7" has but i thought the purpose of
the meet-up was to catch up and somehow,it ended up with having a
boring conversation with someone i barely know.thats no fun.
tried so hard to act like nothings wrong.but then reality sinks in that
nothings gonna be the same ever again.
like he's always with him(no.they're not gay.they are just always together.
god knows why.bt prolly i do,they're bestfrens!!!DUH?!?!)
and shes's hangin on tight to his arm like as if hes too bloody light and will
be swept away by the light breeze.(if theres anyone to be blown away,thats me ok)
and shes flirting with him,while the other her just glared at them and i was
left with the lame but fun him.hah.thank god for him.haha.
i realised i observed them too much.hmm.maybe i was bored.too bored.
now,theres not gonna be any "usual 7",we are now known as the
"usual 10" which im very uncomfortable with.
i miss the "usual 7"
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I Just Dont Get It
i was just bloghoppin and i was at this particular blog.
it was okay,you know the same typical blog that most of
everyone has--how their day went,typing out their most
PERSONALEST stuff that happened(this part i don't get.if it meant
to be personal,why tell?hmm...),their wishlist,tagboard,having a lame ass
URL and so on and so forth.
so i was reading this particular blog right?then, i read this.
"there's a reason to why i hurt you"
"hurt mum"
"hurt dad"
uh...WHATTT??(it went something like that,i couldnt copy the whole thing
for the fear of the copyright laws)
you actually need a reason to hurt
what sickass logic is that?!?
why would u hurt
well,you might say,"they're not treating me right"
but i guess you should know that they themselves makes
mistakes and why not just convince yourselves that maybe its
for your own good?
i cant believe that there is a reason to hurt YOUR PARENTS!
Im thinkin of some reasons now...
oh...MAYBE u lack attention and love from them,
i guess if thats the reason,you shouldnt hurt them.
just talk to them laa..
whutever.haha.im just bored and being kepo at
1.46 am.like mrs tan from bukit anak kambing.
that lame ass show.why does she even bother
being in it??
The "Heart" Song.
horrible-i-almost-puked show??
now im fallin in LOVE with the OST song!
i just realised all the main actor(irwanshah) needs was just
a better and hipper haircut and VOILA!!
OKAY.so hes not all that but OMFG!power siaa...hahah.
im listenin to the song over and over and over again and it
makes me high!!
so,heres the vid!enjoy THE LOVE!!!
oh ya!!LOOK!it even has subtitles so you guys can sing along!!
come on lets sing baybeh!!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Bloody Irritating Friends
but being a normal human being,sometimes
friends tend to get a little irritating dont u tink?
these are some of the ways they irritate me...
1.the way they think that they are better then me
im not saying that im not doing this.but if i do that,i will tell myself to stop!!
like immediately.coz its no good to put someone down right!?even if i dont stop,
feel free to give me a hard slap or whutever on my head okay!?
so,if you're doing that to ur friend...THEN STOP!!!its gets on my freakin nerves can??
2.they think they are advising u cuz they think they good enough to give advices,
yep.this is one that irritates me like crazy.i noe im doin something wrong,and that
someone advises me to do otherwise but he/she is doing whatever im doing.
so why not u actually try to improve urself and then think twice b4 giving me advices!!!
3.forcing me to do things i really dont want.
theres only one person who can force me to do things i dont want---that is my mom!!
DONT TAKE OVER MY MOM'S RIGHT!!like why the hell are u even forcing me?IF I
Get a Life!!!
4.making me wait.
i swear i could kill anyone who makes me wait.usually,im the early bird.
its ok to wait for 15 mins.but half and hour to an hour?!?thats bullshit!!
why did we even meet up in the first place when almost a quarter of the time is
spent waiting for u so u can bloody dilly dally and makin me wait??!
*i dont wait for anyting,i even hate waiting for public transport.i wish i could
jus walk to school.
wow.after typing all of this,i jus realised i got some serious issues with my friends.sigh.
i think i should get a life and learn to be more patient.