Monday, December 25, 2006
a total ripoff!!Double Chocolate costs like
$3.50ish and it tastes like....CRAP!!!!
come to think of it,it was so BLAND!!!
being tasteless and expensive is another thing,
but how is oreo and chocolate DOUBLE CHOCO?!??
oreo is not even choco to start with!!...
2.that program show,Girls Aloud.
i think thats the title.i feel like that show
is like an awful-er remake of Simple Life.
you know how Paris and Nicole has to
experience different jobs to earn their
money to go back home(hollywood ryte??)
well in this case,we have Rosalyn(aka Paris
as she is the taller one)and XiaXue(i dunt
noe who she is but shes buttugly and shes
short so im guessing shes Nicole)tryin out different
jobs and being totally outrageous.(of course its ok
for Paris and Nicole to be outrageous,THEY'RE HOT!!!)
but attitude wise,XiaXue is like Paris and Rosalyn is the
sane one.(i think nicole is sane)
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
with people in relationship........they're so......
FULL OF LOVE U NOE!!!dats quite annoying
coz i always have this certain dissing session with
my mates where we will jus like diss other people
be it our friends or anyone.(ok,so we're mean,but
its all in the name of fun!!)
most of my friends noware either in a relationship,
chasing someone or being chased after by friends' partners will all
be interlink and some way or another,we all know
each here i go,dissing this girl and my friend
who likes her will get angry.a few months b4,
he didnt care a hoot abouthow she would feel
if she heard whutever i said about her.
(anyway,i just made fun of the girl.
even when the girl is der,i'd still make fun of her.
its nt like im talkin bhind her back or
whutever okay??)
so why do i need a bf? be filled with love
2.get rid of all the hatred in me(yeah ryte!!!) talk about my partner.(be it bad or nice) have that daze in ur eyes whenever u talk
about ur partner. be smiling even at his lames stupidest joke. kick him ard. punch him hard. shout at him when im mad. curse him whenever i want to. be pampered by him. be showered with gifts. ignore him. get angry with him. tease him. let him carry my bag. hold his hand. let him hold my clammy hand. play hard to get.
19.did i mention to kick him?
20.did i mention to punch him.
so basically,those are one of the reasons to why i NEED
a bf...and ya!!i forgot to love him..yep..thats it.
anyway,im still waiting for ashton kutcher to ask me out.
still waiting!!!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Cool Things To Do When You're A Loser.
woahhh....i think going on a blind date really is cool.
whats cool about it is that....YOU DONT KNOW
if u're lucky,u'll get some hot guy.(but come to
think of it,why would hot guys go on a blind date?
they're already hot enough and dont need
blind dates.but whutever)well, if u're just
unfortunate,just try to have fun with the guy.
but its so full of suspense right?!?!...
i love suspense.
2.Watch Porn.
cause you lack of that certain charm to go out with
any girls(or guys!!),i guess you might have that
sexual desire building up and not "realeasing" your desires.
watching porn is good.
you can just watch porn even when u're bored.
(Note:if u havent realised,porn might makes
u get a LITTLE too at your own risk)
3.Go do voluntary stuff.
im not saying that volunteers are losers.but losers tend
to get a whole lot of spare time and instead of just
waiting for it to pass,might as well u spend it meaningfully
right??..i am so right...
4.Join dating channels.
you might actually find ur soulmate!!!...or not...
but...GIVE IT A SHOT!!!
5.Stalk your hot neighbour.
yea.this is cool.stalking hot girls(or guys)
is such a cool thing to takes time and
its suspenseful.for example,you might get
lucky and see them changing...COOL!!!
if u dunt have a hot neighbour,
even that old lady living next to u will do.
if u're lucky,u might see her just sleeping....
yaaaa......COOL OR WHUT!?!?!?
6.Blog about "Cool Things To Do When You're A Loser."
well,that explains why im bloggin abt this.
Just continue being a loser.
if you're so good at that,WHY CHANGE?!?!
Note:these are only applied for losers.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Victim,Every Tueday,Me.
but its from my title,what i'm trying
what was the prank abt today.basically,carrying me
to this lecture room,which is "bald"(bald here means that
the chairs had been stripped off from the room) just like
rahman's bald and ugly toyol-lookin its dark
and stuffy.its supposedly scary.
for the first time,i SO GREATLY appreciate my legs.
(okay,im so so so so lying here.i like my legs.infact,
i pushed my feet against anything that would stop me
from going into the room.haha.i succeeded!!!...
2nd try,they got me in,cuz i was like..."okay,lets just
get this over and done with" in the end,i struggled
for abit and it ended up me,rahman and lee were in
the room together!!...hahah..damn losers.wanna play
a prank on me but they themselves got "prank-ed"
(is there even such a word????)
my classmates are beyond help.they are oh so crazy.....
after the prank thingy,we played ICE AND WATER!!!
outside NYP's Auditorium!!!.
so a crazy bunch of maniacs were there,running ard
and makin noise like as if its no bloody business of ours
and best of all,the security guard on duty was jus watchin.
HE HAD F TO THE U TO THE NN in him i suppose.
not like the other guard who didnt like FUN!!!!
party pooper!!!!
most craziest bunch of people,most irritating bunch of people,
but...I LOVE THEM!!!!!.....
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Mommy!!!Help Me!!!!...I'mmm........boredddd....
im bored and feeling so damn lazy today.
someone asked me out but i refused him cuz
i was too lazy.but now im bored and hes ald
at vivo and i wudnt wanna trouble him to come back
to bedok just to fetch me and den go back to
vivo.haha.i noe he wudnt let me go there alone
cuz..hes just plain crazy.hes just the craziest.... i dunt noe whut to talk abt today.
blogging had been very difficult for me.
i cant seem to have anyting to talk about
or in this case,write about.BUT I WANNA BLOG!!!
bah~im ending here.
Friday, December 01, 2006
New Template=New System
NoNo.I Only Posed!!It Wasnt That Bad!!

Thursday, November 30, 2006
How Old Do You Think You Guys Are?!?
like they are in primary school.
so what,we are all 17,young adults,so
we call ourselves.but the age that we're
acting like--->ten yrs old!!!!!!
stop it with all the staring and "i must complain"
MAC:if you're reading this, well den its
i dunt tink u will be so...whutever.leave the poor
insecure guy alone.maybe u should stop makin
fun of him or even laughin at other ppl's jokes
abt him!!!maybe he'll feel abit better if u stop staring
at whut the hell do u get from tormenting
him.and by the way,while u're at that "im not gonna
disturb hiro" attitude,try to not be uhmmm....
how should i say this...ok..STOP BEING AN ASSHOLE?!?!
(man,i think i got issues with this guy!!!)
HIRO:jus try to be a little less insecure abt ur hair and
how others look at you.WHO CARES ABOUT MAC or
cedric makin fun of u?!!?...maybe they're all losers a
who aint gt nuting better to do and just disturb ppl
cuz they're plain jerks!!!occupy yourselves with better things
like maybe...ur hair..*giggles*kidding....
stupid childish idiots...and i thot i was the childish one.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Cockroaches Are Sooooo......EEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!!
- theres this one time when my house seems to be infested with loads of kept flying into my imagine,2 bloody roaches each night.i couldnt sleep very well.for the fear of the "deadly ones"
- my darling had an incident too.that darn thing flew right at her right shoulder and we screamed like crazy even tho it didnt touch me.hah.BUT THE CHILLS ARE JUST THERE MAN!!!! have i told you i hate zara,rahman and lee(i tink thats his name.haha.)
well.they are all classmates of why do i hate them?
i saw this roach right infront of my feet while walkin.
so,my natural reaction would be to jus run and shout
den avoid it.that stupid zara had to kick the damn roach at
me but thank god,i was able to dodge i ran,afraid that they
might still kick it to me.rahman had to go and chase me and locked
me AND I COULDNT GET AWAY.stupid zara and lee kicked the
damn thing like as if they were playing soccer and LEE SHOOOOTTSSS....
Monday, November 27, 2006
Im A Nervous Wreck When It Comes To...
- Sitting for exams.
- Thinking about my future.
- Getting up on stage and being watched by a GAZILLION people
- Doing things that i hate to do but i have to do it.(eg.EXAMS!!!)
- Not knowing when my Fav tv show will end.
- Being home alone at 1 am onwards.
- Waiting for my handphone bill to arrive.
- Waiting for my exam results.
- Not knowing when im getting my pay.
- and the list goes on....
i hate being a nervous wreck.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Shouting Helps A Great Deal
it really did.lately,i feel so damn fucked up
and negative abt everyting.i guess im keepin
too many issues in me and i nv learn to let it out.
that is beside the,anyway with all this anger
in me,it distracts me from keepin my cool while
playing the netball game today.i ended up shouting
at my team players right at the first quarter!
well,im kinda known for being too lenient on ppl.
so it kinda shocked me that i was shouting my ass
off in the court.
i was still shouting to get ppl to work their butt off during
the second that point of time,it didnt feel weird
at all.but thinking back,it seems awfully crazyyy....
2nd quarter den ended and weird enuf,I FELT
wow...the feelings are damn good man!like as if everyting
had been lifted off from my shoulders....
3rd quarter started out great!!!!i got my first ever shot
to be able to shoot again in a game.the last time i was a shooter
was......LIKE AEONS AGO!!!...i guess i still had in me.
haha.first shot,went in with no prob.
2nd shot,FUH!!!!A TOTAL FLUSH!!!
by then, my head started to get a little "big"
and all hell broke loose.hah.of cuz im jus exaggerating,but
i knew it was all luck to start with.after that 2nd shot,
i dunt noe why, but nerves got the better of me. finally sank in that every shot,every point depends on me abt no pressure.butterfingers get in the way, jelly like legs
wobble like crazy and thus,it concludes that i jus suck!!
i tink i'd better practice more.
4th quarter was such a bloody shite ass crap!!!umpires suck
at judging and suddenly without any contact to my opponent,
the ball slipped out of her hand.of cuz, i was in front of i
know that she slipped it off.i was a good 1metre away from her
but i was charged with contact.damn!!!..
another one cheap ass shite to jus show that they are bias is the
3 second rule.i have this habit to bend my knees 2 times
while shooting in order to trick my opponent guarding me.
a whistle was blown against me for commiting the 3 second rule.
i got so damn pissed.
but overall,i really was feeling a bit better..YEAY.....but i still
feel like fuck now..
Thursday, November 23, 2006
We Should Not Get Too Comfortable.
but i guess things turned out to be
the worst and the sadest case is that
i cant do anyting except to just go
along with this painful ride.oh wells,
relationships are sucha bother.
i hate now.i think mainly because
everything seems so bloody negative
and nothing good is gonna happen.
ICAs are such a drag and im falling behind
every minute that i dont listen.
today was the first time i actually listened
attentively in Statistics lecture.but i tink its
far too late cuz ICA is next week and i still havent
figure out how to use the calculator with all the
mean,standard deviation shit.see la..dunt listen
in class somemore.bleargh~
dunt noe whether to buy the SuperGirl shit.
cuz,i just dont feel like it anymore u noe.
im tired and i want to sleep but i cant.
cuz i have to bloody study..chao~
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
List Of Things To Buy.
i do a normal,routined list of things to buy.
so here's all the stufff....
- SuperGirl tanktop-$19
- SuperGirl trucker cap-$19
- SuperGirl Black top-$39
- Any skinny jeans-$20-$30
hmm...but if anyting changes(like if i don't
prefer SuperGirl anymore)...i am most likely to get
skinny jeans from sia...the jeans..FUH!!...
ok la...nothing else to talk bout...ciao!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
She's So Embarrasing!
here comes this
"used-to-be hot-but-whutever" guy.
walkin,lookin oh so cool with his
hot pink tee and normal jeans and
slippers(SLIPPERS?!?!...APEK OR WHATTTT!!!)
it was rainin a few hrs floor was slippery.
guess his slippers were some cheap ass
ones.the ones that will make u slip and fall
and make u look like a total ass.
so anyway,back to story.he was walkin.
he saw her.she saw him too.but didnt realise that
he was her crush.
(the sound that lousy slippers make when slippin)
he slipped.but thank god..he didnt fall.
and whut did she do when he flipped...
she had to go and MELATAR... melatar is like...go figure it out.
how fuckin embarassing is that?!?!
its nt like she noes him,hes totally a complete
stranger,just for the fact that she has a huge crush
on him.......
well..i tink its embarrasing...stupid bitch.. ring finger hurts mannn.....
im boreddddd....
Sunday, November 12, 2006
DDR Should Be Illegal.
new drug for me!!! im a little bit slow
and im goin crazy for the "oldest dancing
thing" ever!!!
DDR=DanceDance Revolution. who cares if u cant dance?!?!...
just hop along to the beat and go KRAZAY with
all the kick ass stompin on the dance mat!
there's 4 different stages for u to choose frm..
which i totally cant rmbr.but i always go for the second
stage.which is kinda KRAZAY and fast with all different
kinda steps.of cuz the last or the most pro one is super
fast!!!! even my eyes cudnt catch the arrows moving
cuz its so damn fast!!!!but,theres stil some ppl who can
dance WOW!!!
so how much hav i spent on dis crazy shite?!?well..nt much..
ard 50 bucksss?!?!?....shiteeee...thats addicted.
i need to get treatment...FAST!!!!!...but its damn fun laa!!...
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
12 fuckin dollars?!?!?!....
happened to my bloody alarm clock?!?! suddenly it decided
to always go quiet on every thursday(last week i was late.
and i ended up not coming to the class..haha)
well so i decided to take a cab.i mean,i was only done dressing up
at 7.45!!!!and thats the fastest.(this is when being a guy helps
so much!!i mean,no one cares if a guy doesnt bathe or they smell
so i took a cab to NYP.
me:uncle, NYP pls.
uncle cabby:uh,Nyp where uh?
me:nanyang poly uncle.u noe, at yck there.
uncle cabby:uh..polyclinic?
me:(rolls eyes)no uncle...POLYTECHNIC!!!...
sialla!!!wth..what wud i go polyclinic so bloody early?i dunt tink its even
bloody open!!!like im late ald,uncle cabby has to think like the pace of a
running snail!!!tats still slow!!!!
me:uncle,cn reach by 8 anot??
uncle cabby:aiyah can la..
and...suddenly we jus talked about stuff.he talked abt his life
and i did mine.was fun atually.he's like a granpa i nv had.hes
malay btw.hah.ok..back to topic..12 FREAKIN DOLLAS?!?!?!...
SHUT UP!!!!!
bah~den now im freakin broke and i cant play DDR today..when's
my pay comin a poor fuck!!!
Monday, November 06, 2006
A Little Too Skimpy??
well,a fren of mine actually indicated that i
reveal too much.and what was i wearing??
my superman shirt and jeans and sneakers
to go along the whole
"i-dunt-care-how-i look-i-just-wanna-get-dressed" look. the shirt was a lil too short.could see a lil
part or stomach.butbut...i didnt tink it was skimpy.
on the contrary,i tot it was tomboyish.bah~..haha.
so wadsup with boys having to comment on how girls dress
and all?cant they just keep they bloody mouth shut?!?
man,dont like what u see,SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!...
i mean,im not askin you to like ogle at me..its nt dat i hav anyting
to be ogled at.i noe i belong to the "unfortunate" looking one.
meaning,im nt that pretty and i dunt have that superest duperest
figure.wanna comment...just dont freakin look!!
anyway,skimpy for me,is like dressing like a prostitute.
man,im nt scolding or tegoring u on whutever u said to me.i noe its good
advice, but all i wore was that.but watever,we have different views on
certain things..bah~~
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Making Out=Romantic?
i mean.hw does making out shows how a person
is romantic?how did i come to this conclusion?
well,it certainly helps having loads of guy friends
and some horny little bitches as my girlfriends.
up to 95% of my guyfriends said making out is
absolutely romantic.but i only asked like 7 guys
but whatever.
like are u guys horny or what?!?!
i mean,if u truly love someone,it wudnt matter
if u have that making out session with the
other partner or not right?
can u imagine,like having a tongue-ing session
which is like YUCK!!!...and they think they are romantic??
with all that gross saliva gaggin myself.
ok,im not saying that i truly am against kissing.
but isnt frenchin like yuck??!!?...I tink a passionate kiss
would be u noe..
i-cant0live-without-u kiss.lovely ryte??.. still waiting for ashton kutcher to share that kiss
its ashton kutcher!!!
i'd gladly share a bed(or even do somethin under the covers.haha)
with my ashton kutcher!!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Reminders To Why I Dont Want/Need A Boyfriend
2.i wanna flirt.
3.he'll take note of my every move.
4.hates to "report strength" every one bloody
ass min.
5.hates having late night convo on the phone.
6.hates having late night boring convo on the phone.
7.hates making out.
8.hates having to feel guilty even when the mistake is as
small as an ant's droppings.
9.hates having to be considerate.
10.hates crying.
11.the list goes maybe a 100.
sorry..but i just had to remind myself to why r/s are
a big noo noo for me..dont wanna end up being hurt
unknowingly again.FUCK!hate it when im full with emotions.
Monday, October 30, 2006
The Cult Called Emo-nology
i'm just bored and emo-ing away...
*sighs* a guy and a girl get along so well.
like nothing can come between them.
for sure,the "other party" will have
that romantic feelings for the other one.
but the "other one" has only mutual feelings
for the "other party".that sucks right??
i mean, not that the "other party" has lack
of suitors, just that the "other party" thinks
better of the "other one".
so why cant they be together?lots of issues here.
maybe race issues?no no...priority issues??no no.
how can it be that?you get along so well together and
not even a teeny weeny bit of liking "other party"?
bah..whatever.not that "other party" cant find another
"other one"...haha..honestly..are u guys followin me??
so i was bored,i decided to do some cool girl quizzes from
Lacey_Gracy's website...did i mention her blog was ultra cool?
You Are 20% Girly |
![]() Um... you're a guy, right? If not, you're the most boyish girl in the world. And for you, that's probably the ultimate compliment. |
i happen to be a 100% girl!!HELLO!!..whut the hell..stupid quiz...
Your Flirt Quotient |
![]() |
You Are Bad Girl Sexy |
![]() Girl, you are nothing but trouble. And that's hot. You've got the classic bad girl sexiness mojo going on. And your badass attitude makes men fear you - and crave you. Don't give into people who say to tone it down. You're perfect as is. |
Your Ideal Hairstyle: |
![]() |
Saturday, October 21, 2006
berlalu la sudah ramadhan,sebulan berpuasa
im so bloody excited cuz i can eat,eat,eat
and EAT SOMEMORE!!!!hmm...
OMG!!!..its here!!HARI RAYA IS HERREEE!!! certified anyway,my title is
of cuz,a text in malay.
it comes from a Hari Raya song,which means
...uh...i swear i dunt noe how to translate in english.
basically its just saying that one month of fasting has passed.
yup2.thats it. i heard this ultimate shockin news.
my Ten Yr old Sister,note shes only in Primary 4
i only started using frenster like whut?! a few yrs back???
and she has one when shes jus P4..
i dont think im goin to be surprised if she starts wearing make up
when shes what i see kids nowadays do.
like they dress up more den i do!!!
what is happenin man.... im supposed to be cleanin d house but im jus
wiping my computer desk everytime my mom comes in
d room.anyhoo,i'd better get back to doin stuff in d house.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I Think I Laugh Too LOUD!!
just now at 10.30 pm at bedok.
goodness i think i scared all the
people there,including those i
was out with.
haha.i scared them only because
they dont know me that well
and i dont know them that well. on to something else.why isit
that whenever you wait for that
certain someone to sms you
they wont do so..and when
you gave all hopes about him msging you
then all of a sudden he sends u the sweetest msg? done bitchin!hes smsin
me right now!
so byeee!!!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Tak Leh Angkat Seh!!!!!
i just means,"cannot take it any longer"
im bored man.
hey,in my area now,its so bloody breezy and its
such a cool night to hang out with ur frens under the
void deck.okay,i dont do this as often and i only hang out
with those im so bloody familiar ald.cept that they
live oh-so-fuckin far away from my area.that always
sucks.not having frens ard.sigh.i miss my frens.
i miss the times when i look so godforsaken dorky and
bein so bloody tomboy-ish.the only thing that sets me
apart from the other guys--->is my high pitched voice.
haha.yeah.back at the time when normal body parts
havent yet been shipped to me.hah.i miss being so bloody
defensive over small things and i miss getting all so bloody
excited just by listening to my crush's name.okay,i still do that
now but its just another feeling you noe?.haha.and i miss him.fuck
yes i do.after a long 6 yrs..yup.i guess first love doesnt fade off
that easily huh?
whatever.not that i miss him the whole of everytime.
its just now and then when u tend to think about the
past and unknowingly,he'll come to mind.LaLaLa.
who cares??.hey i just realised that every hairstyle Pink's
got on are superly-duperly-awesomely-absolutely-muthafuckinly-
HOT!!!wow.i'd love to get that hairstyle in her recent video "U+Ur Hand"
another great single from know that part when
she was punching the punchingbag..YEP!!!.that hair!!!cept that
mine will be purple and not pink.HOW THE HELL DO I SAY TO THE
PINK'S HAIR?!?!?....
i bet they'll just dye my whole bloody head PINK!!!
so i heard this new song by My Chemical Romance.
i tot it was's called "Welcome to the Black Parade"
wow.the lead singer is achieving this whole new look now.
shorter hair,no more black or red stuff around his eyes that
makes him look as tho he doesnt get enough sleep.oh ya.
he has blond hair now.he looks so much cuter!!!anyway,heres
the vid.and since i got no more crap to type,i'd better just go do
some other shite.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Check Out My New Fuckin TimeTable!
i swear im gonna make him/her suffer!
i swear he/she dont have any children!
i swear and i swear and i swear somemore!!!
monday-->starts at ten in the morning and ends at 5 pm.
thats still ok man.
tuesday-->starts late and ends REALLY DAMN LATE.
from 4 pm to 10 fuckin pm!!!
thats PURE EVIL for me..
wednesday-->11 am to 1 pm
why do i bother to even go to school that day??
thursday-->starts at early as 8 am to 4 pm.
well.thats manageable i suppose..
friday-->8 am to 12 pm
okay larr..
but wait!!wheres that particular OFF day that we initially had?!?!?
what bloody happened to it?? disappeared.
now i stand corrected coz i once thought that business courses
are the best.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
primary school friends had always been fun.but yesterday,
it wasnt even half the fun that we had always shared among
7 of us.
with new additions to the group and certain people's change of
attitude sometimes makes it so diffcult for me to have fun with the
"usual 7".so we're go as a group,but come back as two different cliques.
i hate cliques.
well,im not negative about meeting new people and letting them
have a share of the fun that the "usual 7" has but i thought the purpose of
the meet-up was to catch up and somehow,it ended up with having a
boring conversation with someone i barely know.thats no fun.
tried so hard to act like nothings wrong.but then reality sinks in that
nothings gonna be the same ever again.
like he's always with him(no.they're not gay.they are just always together.
god knows prolly i do,they're bestfrens!!!DUH?!?!)
and shes's hangin on tight to his arm like as if hes too bloody light and will
be swept away by the light breeze.(if theres anyone to be blown away,thats me ok)
and shes flirting with him,while the other her just glared at them and i was
left with the lame but fun him.hah.thank god for him.haha.
i realised i observed them too much.hmm.maybe i was bored.too bored.
now,theres not gonna be any "usual 7",we are now known as the
"usual 10" which im very uncomfortable with.
i miss the "usual 7"
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I Just Dont Get It
i was just bloghoppin and i was at this particular blog.
it was okay,you know the same typical blog that most of
everyone has--how their day went,typing out their most
PERSONALEST stuff that happened(this part i don't get.if it meant
to be personal,why tell?hmm...),their wishlist,tagboard,having a lame ass
URL and so on and so forth.
so i was reading this particular blog right?then, i read this.
"there's a reason to why i hurt you"
"hurt mum"
"hurt dad"
uh...WHATTT??(it went something like that,i couldnt copy the whole thing
for the fear of the copyright laws)
you actually need a reason to hurt
what sickass logic is that?!?
why would u hurt
well,you might say,"they're not treating me right"
but i guess you should know that they themselves makes
mistakes and why not just convince yourselves that maybe its
for your own good?
i cant believe that there is a reason to hurt YOUR PARENTS!
Im thinkin of some reasons now...
oh...MAYBE u lack attention and love from them,
i guess if thats the reason,you shouldnt hurt them.
just talk to them laa.. just bored and being kepo at
1.46 mrs tan from bukit anak kambing.
that lame ass show.why does she even bother
being in it??
The "Heart" Song.
horrible-i-almost-puked show??
now im fallin in LOVE with the OST song!
i just realised all the main actor(irwanshah) needs was just
a better and hipper haircut and VOILA!!
HOT HOT HOT HOTTIE!! hes not all that but OMFG!power siaa...hahah.
im listenin to the song over and over and over again and it
makes me high!!
so,heres the vid!enjoy THE LOVE!!!
oh ya!!LOOK!it even has subtitles so you guys can sing along!!
come on lets sing baybeh!!!
Monday, October 02, 2006
Bloody Irritating Friends
but being a normal human being,sometimes
friends tend to get a little irritating dont u tink?
these are some of the ways they irritate me...
1.the way they think that they are better then me
im not saying that im not doing this.but if i do that,i will tell myself to stop!!
like immediately.coz its no good to put someone down right!?even if i dont stop,
feel free to give me a hard slap or whutever on my head okay!?
so,if you're doing that to ur friend...THEN STOP!!!its gets on my freakin nerves can??
2.they think they are advising u cuz they think they good enough to give advices,
yep.this is one that irritates me like crazy.i noe im doin something wrong,and that
someone advises me to do otherwise but he/she is doing whatever im doing.
so why not u actually try to improve urself and then think twice b4 giving me advices!!!
3.forcing me to do things i really dont want.
theres only one person who can force me to do things i dont want---that is my mom!!
DONT TAKE OVER MY MOM'S RIGHT!!like why the hell are u even forcing me?IF I
Get a Life!!!
4.making me wait.
i swear i could kill anyone who makes me wait.usually,im the early bird.
its ok to wait for 15 mins.but half and hour to an hour?!?thats bullshit!!
why did we even meet up in the first place when almost a quarter of the time is
spent waiting for u so u can bloody dilly dally and makin me wait??!
*i dont wait for anyting,i even hate waiting for public transport.i wish i could
jus walk to school.
wow.after typing all of this,i jus realised i got some serious issues with my friends.sigh.
i think i should get a life and learn to be more patient.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Geylang Should Be Banned During Ramadhan.
just for the fact that THERES ABSOLUTELY GAZILLION
i swear its like a fest for this minahs and mats!
everywhere i turn,
"oh,whos dat?oh shes just some minah" or
"ooh,who do we have over there?damn,its just some mat"
mom had to buy our festive clothes from there,considering thats where we can
find the cheapest.
but thats the only time im found there.
it also should be banned cuz theres too little space
its so bloody cramp that i cannot even walk properly!
i had to TITTER.yup
like those women with binded feet.
and it was so hot and to make things worst,
i was wearing slippers.
so every shoe-wearing freaks were happily steppin on my
poor poor feet.
stupid shoe-wearer!
*i hope im not goin there anytime sooner..
Friday, September 29, 2006
I Miss...
Heres a couple...
1. My PRIMARY school MATES!!
yes.its a wonder that i still do keep in contact with them.
well,not ALL of my primary school mates but only those
whom i hang out with.
these idiotic bunch of people releases my wild and crazy side.
hah.actually,i can go crazy with absolutely anyone.
but with them,i can be
love these bunch of people.
2.My GirlFriends!
yerp3.this shoutout goes to you.
you guys know who you are right??
well,in case u didnt noe,here's the list.
Nola,Inah,Nam,Ain,Asmah(cant think of anyone else ryte now.)
YEAH!!i miss u guys like loads and loads of buckets!!(buckets??)
i miss how we used to be oh so crazy(or rather its just me being crAZY most of d times)
i miss the days of workin at moto!
i miss hanging around starbucks!
i miss cycling at ecp.
i miss talkin crap.
i miss scaring the wits out of each other.
i miss squeezin all of u guys' butt!(especially u-know-who!!)
i miss making you guys laugh non-stop(aww..isnt dat suhweet!!)
bottomline,I MISS YOU GUYS!!.
Monday, September 25, 2006
It's Officially Over.
is Finally over.
YEP2!not that im sad or anything hady mirza won.yerps.i voted like SIX bloody times.hah.thats why he won,i think.
with my votes.hah.
no lar.but i guess its kinda expected that he won.hes so much better than jon.
not that i think jon's no good.i just like hady's vocals better.
jon's voice abit too low right?i think thats true.
that first song that jon sang,chasing cars by snow patrol.
WOW!!!fell in love with the way he sang the song.
his voice fits that kinda song you know.
didnt think he did that good for his 2nd song,that is the "You make me wanna fly"
haha.he pronounced "fly" in a very weird made me chuckle.
hah.i think taufik is feeling too comfortable with the teevee world.
its as if he's arrogant.hmm....
did you see his first performance??
i thot that was a bit too much aint it.
maybe hes nervous??
dont think so,considering the fact that he looks so pro on the stage.
hah.i find that a bit funny.
(i think i finding everything funny at this moment.)
Saturday, September 23, 2006
What The Fuck.
(and for everything else theres always MASTERCARD!)(IM SO DAMN LAME!)
YEP.believe it or not.i actually wasted ten friggin bucks on a movie that sucked.( nola paid for it.but im still gonna pay her back.she refused to let me pay!)
A few reasons to why i would not watch this show.
- its in malay(indonesian malay(not that im against their language))
- its in malay and its about love.(usually,the movie gets cheesy or corny.every typical malay love show)
- it's $9.50(!!!!!!!!WHAT!!!!!!!!!)
- im not watching it with the one i romantically love
but being the nice person that i am(and coz im not broke now)so i go ahead and watch it.
so here's how the story goes but before that the show is titled "heart".
actually,its too crappy for me to actually blog about how it fuck it.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Wake Me Up When September Ends(Green Day)
Boy:i know listen, life is short
listen if you wake up one day
and on that day
all your dreams
everything you wished for and
you wanted
gone just like that
people get old
and all things change and situations change
what i want is,
i just, i want this moment,
right now,
this day
my feelings for you,
the way you look right now,
when i look at you
i just want this to last forever
Girl:and it will,
and no matter what we always had this
and had each other
and nothing can change that
but just so you know
no matter what you always have somebody here for you
i'm never gonna leave you
i'm never gonna leave you
i love you
Boy:i know.
i know.
Girl:don't ever leave me.
Boy: i wont.
Girl:dont ever leave.
Boy:i wont,i wont.
ahhh.this is some emotional video.i think its ultimately great actually made me teared.i could feel the love between the couple!its so....unconditional and i dont know..something i would really want.not now.but some day soon when i want to get married.the starting of the video is already so goddamn sweet larr.whatever he said to her is so sweet and spontaneous like he spoke it right from his heart.
Girl:don't ever leave me.
Boy: i wont.
Girl:dont ever leave.
Boy:i wont,i wont.
i like the way they said has that certain impact on me.dont you think so??
it hit me with a great emotional impact when the girl came over to the guy's house and gave him a tight slap and all she could say was "Oh my god" and "tell me you didnt do it".its so sad that the guy had to go away to the it hurts he so much to see him go away and put his life at risk and that sense of uncertainty to whether or anot he would survive to see her.the pain of not being able to share happy moments with him and the pain of purely not being able to see him.and all he did was to try to make her proud of him.(tho i dont understand how going to the army and putting your life on a certified death outcome would make her proud.but its still good tho.)
isnt it great?to share that unconditional and passionate love with that someone?so much committed in that relationship and nothing could ever dissolve the love we share with our would be better if quarrels between couples don't occur and when guys stop thinkin only about getting into their partners' pants(or skirts or whatever.)i guess once your relationship is not based on satisfying your sexual pleasures then would it be the true love, the love that never dies and the love that would be for eternity.
*well,whatever it is,this video makes me ya.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
weird but true and funny.
they do!!!its weird bt true.have you noticed how they pronounce certain english words in a very alienated way?i watched "Gigolo Wannabe" in the theatres today(good movie.very funny) and almost all of the english sentences are pronounced 99.99999999999% wrongly!!!"AROUND THE WORLD" was simply and unknowingly pronounced as "AROUND-DAH THA WORLDDDD"the "WORLDD" was pronounced with abit of a curl in the tongue.some funny shit right here.
i was on the train going home.there was this ULTRA ULTIMATE ABSOLUTELY BANANA LOOKIN BEEFY MAN!i wasnt lookin at him but i accidentally glanced at his direction and whut did i see??him touching his big ass chest and and stroking it like as if hes in his own sick ass house.LIKE HELLO!!!!...there are actually people in the bloody train and they might just be disgusted and totally uncomfortable with you touching yourself!!!i mean,its already bad enough that your body is a flab of fat pasted on that FUGLY FACE OF YOURS and you have to actually think that your ugly ass body is perfect!!!!and thus,us,the poor people who might actually be traumatised by your actions have to thing that he did to was to actually run his index finger down his cleavage!!!!!!!(what is that thing in between men's breasts(is it even called breasts?)but i sure dont think its called a cleavage.)thats already a major turnoff!!!...sick assssss......
Monday, September 18, 2006
you drive me crazy...[pam pam]
tmrw's the day man.yey!sleepover coming ryte up!at my house.yee-haw.(whats wrong with me!!!)kinda lookin forward to it.i dont know what we gonna do for two full days.i guess we just gonna crap,crap,crap and fuckin crap!!!
went to bugis with inah,nam and lina jus now.kinda surveying for my bag.sad to say,didnt see anyting to my like super choosy larr!!all i can see are those types that guys use.WHY CANT THEY LOOK MORE...UNISEX-Y...losers...sigh..
oh ya.i couldnt sleep yesterday man!!!.so i was awake till 7 am then slept till 8am.WAS FUCKIN TIRED THE WHOLE DAY!
bored.ok bye!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
*i think i should rob a bank tonight......
Katrina Killings
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Worms dont fight,they've got 5 HEARTS! where did i hear this quote from?i was channel surfing and i just stumbled upon "My name is Earl".it would be funny if i hadnt been CHANNEL SURFING!i was watching "A Haunting" on Discovery Channel(there isnt anything else to watch!!)being more interested in the paranormal shit and prolly just LOVED the fact that i could scare my wits out just by watchin some BLOODY RE-ENACTMENT!hah.
so what did i manage to watch while waiting for the commercials on Discovery Channel to be over?(like who watched commercials.i think its a waste of money.hmph.THOSE RICH FUCKS!!)when i watch that show,Earl's DUMBASS brother(i dont know whats his name but he sure makes me laugh most of the times i watch the show)was telling this other girl that "worms have butts.its just that they look like their heads."HAHA!.hw much dumber can anyone get??gee.
watched The Pacifier on Disney Channel.good show.BRAVA!the guy was so cute(u know,the one who had blond hair and was in "the sound of music")
anyway,i got 2 MUTHAFREAKIN more things-to-do with my ever so fuckin littlelest(again,some alien word!!i think...there is such word ryte?hah) a new BACKPACK.(i dont want to use a SLINGBAG anymore.its killing meee!!!)
man.the tix cost 35 danggitybfiwurgiubfb dollars!!...
sigh.too many things to buy,TOO LITTLE MONEY!!!
and the best music video award goes tooooo.... the whole VMA isnt something we should all go "WOW!!!" about but with PANIC AT THE DISCO and JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE performing and PINK being all BIMBOTIC makes it all SUPERB!!!to let u guys see how WONDERFUL and SUPERB PANIC AT THE DISCO is, heres their performance at VMA!!!but heck.i dont know how the hell to insert a just go here and check it out!!!!HERE.okay so he migth sound weird BUT ITS JUST OH SO FUCKINLICIOUS GOOD!!!!go here to see how WONDERFUL JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE IS!!!HERE.SEE THE WAY HE DANCES.*melts away....
okay.i shall stop being so hyper.
PINK.shes the girl who puts the BIG LETTER A in ATTITUDE.hah.her song,"stupid girls" won the best female pop video if im not wrong.well,whatever award it is,IT STILL RAWKS!and how did she accept her award?by being ULTIMATELY bimbotic.the first sentence that she said while receiving the award was,"i totally won.hah" in the most bimbotic manner ever.hah!then she accidentally made the flag on the moonman's hand and said,"oops,i totally broke it"then laughs in that bimbotic way.hah.shes the ultra uber best!!
panic at the disco rocks.hah!
panic at the disco-i write sins not tragedies
Friday, September 15, 2006
all about chocolate...whee~
Q:what are chocolate made of? to make it simple,chocolate is made by harvesting the cocoa pods containin the cocoa beans.from there and all the processes needed....VOILA!!theres chocolate for you!!!...
Plain Dark Chocolate contains cocoa mass and cocoa butter (70%+), sugar (29%), vegetable Lethicin and Vanilla.Milk Chocolate contains cocoa butter and cocoa mass (39%), sugar (37%), whole milk powder (20%), Lactose, vegetable Lethicin, Vanilla (4%).
White Chocolate contains sugar (52%), cocoa butter (30%), whole dried milk and whey powder (18%), vegetable Lethicin, Vanilla.
and!! you know that there is an enzyme in chocolate that makes us feel as tho we are in love just by consuming it??the enzyme is called...uhh...I DONT KNOW.some scientifically weird names(science is weird.hah)anyhoo,i think thats a proven fact coz i feel happy(when im in love im happy so its kind off the same dont u tink??)when i eat chocolate.ESPECIALLY premium chocolate!!that day i bought one small piece and it costs 1.50 freakin bucks!!!....and its one tiny super duper ultimately uber small piece!!but no worries its DARK CHOCOLATE WITH CARAMEL FILLING!!!....i was literally shouting and yelling and feelin goddamn happy that i get to eat that premium and expensive small piece of chocolate.anyway,thought of gettin a whole box but IM DAMN i only want those with dark we cant choose the the chocs that we whats in the set was like some chocs i dont like.for example,some coconut shit,milk chocolate AND NUTS!!!(like YUCKSSS!!.....its not that im allergic to nuts...jus hate the fact that they stick in between your teeth in the most demeaning way.hah!)
what i plan to do with my ginormous(NOT!) pay of S$300.
- give my mom s$100(thats a must for me.)
- buy a ripcurl shirt.(that cost 75 MOTHAFUCKIN SING dollars!!!)
- buy another oh-so-fuckin-hot top from FOX.(thats my favouritest(thats not even a word!!)brand.which prolly cost ard i dunt noee...S$50 perhaps??)
- buy a new glasses(or if im still not paranoid about lenses,i'll prolly get that.yeah soo!! afraid of lenses!!big deal!!)
- purchase my mrt concession and top up S$50 to my ezlink.
- and still have some leftover money.(i doubt so)
sigh.but i guess i'll pass no.4 and 6 coz i know im not going to get a new pair of glasses and i'll not hav any leftover money.....WHY DOES IT ALWAYS CONCERNS MONEY!!...
went to watch "little man" today.wasnt that bad actually.sigh.not in the mood to blog coz i know i will be broke even b4 i get my pay.hah!funny as hell.sigh.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
the thing about mom... the thing about mom is...well...they are jus naggy.they nag and they nag and they nag and yet again they still nag!!LIKE DONT EVER THEY GET TIRED?!?!?!,what was i doing?i was happily watchin croc hunter on animal planet(i miss steve irwin!...sigh) and she woke up and do what she does best!nag!!! first,being the polite kid that i am(yeah ryte!!)i was jus ignorin her.hah.afte a few mins,man!!! jus got worse and i can just kill myself with all the naggity nag and naggity nag!!...then i got all childish and started stompin my feet to room.hahaha.well thats just it i guess.but what she nags about is this."how come when all of you wake up it straight to the tv?why cant u do your housework first?!"
okay.its not that i DONT DO THEM.i do them everyday!!..EXCEPT!!...i do them after i finish watching whatever i want to watch.that will prolly end around 1 pm.okay least i still do it.furthermore,i tend to do more then what i am supposed to do man!like thats not still doing my siblings basically,i clean up the house a whole lot!!!!sigh.moms are weird.i hope i dont get to be the naggy mom.YIKES!!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Okay.So thats i have a few things that i want to talk about but it depends on my mood,really.if im not to lazy i'll tell u everyting that i want to tell.okay?okay.
so first thing's first.MY RESULTS!!hahah.pretty amusing actually.all i got were some pathetic Cs and Ds.goodness!and GRACE has to go all "im disappointed coz i didnt get straight As".haha.shes a MAJOR GEEK i tell u.(grace,if u're reading this thennn....GOOD...hahahaha)geez..and my GPA(i think thats what its called.or isit GPE? i dunt fuckin care)its like 1.891.haha.i was told thats bad.but least i can clear all my modules.HAH! work at Expo was fun.i was the cashier(not that surprising coz i hav amazing service talent and can talk to customers in a calm manner(thats what my frens said)but whats surprising is that i got a FREAKIN C+ for oral comm!!sigh.)so back to work.eliminating the fatigue and having an unstable roster for lunch,its all fun coz we all get to make noise and make a fool out of ourselves.hah.guna(my boss)actually treated us to different kinds of food every single day!how cool is that?amy(my more superior boss) didnt show any kinds of being ina stressfull situation and so we all had fun.
what wasnt fun was of coz,the CHINESE AND EURASIAN CUSTOMER.(believe me im nt trying to be racist coz racism is ignorance(thats what oprah claims)but i guess they are just born with it,the kiasu syndrome).i can freakin kill anyone of them but i wont coz i know im in the business of serving customers and all i could afford was to at least give them a really fake smile.let me give u a situation.a customer takes some books frm the fiction section with "3 for $10" price tags.theres alot of "3 for $10" tags but all are coded with different colors so that the customers know different color means they come from different suppliers.for example,yellow comes from TIMES bookstore and white tags come from the supplier "elm tree".so,what these STUPID customers do is that they mix and match the different color price tags but all with the "3 for $10" pricing.whats more, different suppliers are put seperately frm other suppliers so that customers do not mix and what these EXTREMELY STUPID customers do is that they mix and match the different color code tags but all with the "3 for $10" pricing.and u know how bloody unreasonable and inconsiderate these customers are!if they took something from a different supplier and realise they dont want it after a while,they dont care a hoot and jus put the damn thing anyplace they are what makes me damn pissed is this.this was my exact convo with the EXTREMELY STUPID,IGNORANT CUSTOMERS WHO-DONT-CARES-A-BLOODY-HOOT-THAT-I-HAVE-BEEN-STANDIN-FOR-THE-WHOLE-OF-8-HRS-NON-STOP.
Me:ma'am,i cant accept these 3 for $10.(in the most polite manner EVER!!!)
Stupid customer:why not!!!(she then gave me that I'LL-BE-KILLED-IF-I-DONT-GET-THAT-AS-$10 FACE.then her eyes got bigger and bigger)
Me.(i tried to calm her and again tell her politely(like since when im polite?!?!?):uh ma' you can see they are all from different suppliers as we have indicated them with different colors.for that we cannot combine the prices from different suppliers as we do not hav the same pricing base as them.
stupid customer:how the hell do u even do this?!?!?i can only find these three.moreover we find these in the same bloody section.(frowns and looks so bloody pissed)LET ME TALK TO UR IN-CHARGE!)
after i shouted, guna was shocked a little and then came over to my counter.i stood at the back,trying to calm myself.NO ONE GETS MAD AT ME FOR SOMETHING THAT ISNT MY FAULT.well,to make myself feel better,i actually saw the customer lookin shocked when i actually shouted.HAH!fuck.thats all.
now i miss workin actually.hah.i miss her and him and all.hah.okay.nuting else to talk about.toodles~
Saturday, August 26, 2006
anyhooo...back to my happy go lucky life...hahah....i was supposed to update ytd...but change of plansss..hahah..sooo....spent the evening with nam and inahhh(her name is sakinah...she doesnt lyk to be called sak whereas i lyk to call her sakkk..but im changing.)....hahah..goodness...WE WERE ALL SO d noisy one..nt dat im proud of it...but hell!!...hah..laughin and laughin and STOP...den more laughing...I LOVE ALL MY PEEPIES(lyk tat totally meant sumting else!?!?!?...hahah) plain incident to realli prove that IM A PURE IDIOT...hhaha..i was at LJS tampines...and here comes this small kid.....lookin oh so cute with his eyessss....ahahah....i was holdin the knife on my left hand....sooo..basically...when i see kids...i'll tease dem with a "peace" sign....SUBCONCIOUSLY!...dis knife made me peace sign turn into a middle finger thats oh so VULGAR!!...haha...thank god the poor kid's father wasnt lookin at it...if he was...i tink im the one who will see the middle finger all of us were lauughin lyk nobody's businesss....everyone were staring..but heck..dis is way too funny!!(nt that i care whther they're lookin anot..) ended with us sitting under the HDB blocks...crappin all the wayy....thot i actually lost my ezlink card..but it was actually STUCKED between my FAKE leather belt...GOODNESSS...a sigh of relief laaaa!!!......i was panickin lyk crazyyyyyy....shit..why mus i be so dumbbbb..hahaha
anywayyyy..that sums it all la...nutin much to say todayyy...ahaha..soo..i'll update again wen theres sumtin to update yeA??...Loves all of u peepsss
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
WORDS i find frm the WORD.....B-O-R-E-D!
- bore
- red
- bod(i dunt noe wth is dat)
- boe(still dunt noe whuts that)
- orb
- rob
- bed
- dorb(dunt noe whuts that..but it sounds lyk a word..)
- i cant fuckin tink of any other words...sigh...
lets jus forget it and i shall NOT inform ppl on hw PATHETIC my life can getttt....